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Maysa Salamat
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From the global mosaic capital, Madaba, where the oldest mosaic map in the world and 400 mosaics distributed over churches, Jordan became famous for the art of mosaic design and manufacture.

Maysa Al Salamat, a mother of two children, came to Jordan from Syria in 2012, when she was  received first by her sister, who resides in Madaba. And during her visit to the city’s markets, she found heritage  works were widespread and abundant, so the heritage pieces began to simulate her childish desires to make shapes and drawings from colorful and beautiful stones.

Maysa settled in the city of Irbid and the idea of ​​learning the art of mosaic still dominated her thinking until she had the opportunity and got to know someone who mastered this type of distinctive art, and she trained in the mosaic art for nearly two years, and she also joined organizations in business administration to learn administrative skills to be able to successfully managing her project, which became her only source of income to support herself and her family in her second country, Jordan.

Through the CRAFTS MARKET platform, Maysa believes that the platform will open the doors for her to more sales, as she has faced a problem to market her products before, and she is looking forward to this platform being her way to overcome this obstacle, so she is very hopeful about joining and working on this platform.