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Afaf Samariah
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Many people think that drawing is only about forming colors and making artistic paintings with them on paper, walls, or any other materials that can be painted through colors, but other art depends on other tools, which are strings and nails.

With a string and a nail, the artist Afaf Samriya from the city of Irbid excels in creating distinguished paintings. About two years ago, with a little patience, accuracy, and endurance, to produce a beautiful painting or form that contains a creative work, this is all that Afaf needs to produce paintings and designs that have been admired by many. Family conditions forced her, being a divorced woman and living with her father and mother, to learn this craft, which she loved and excelled in so that it would be a source of income that would help her provide a decent living for herself and her parents.

Afaf started the process of selling her products to neighbors and tried to use the Internet to promote her business, but due to her lack of experience in the subject of marketing, she was unable to expand the dissemination of these works, so she turned to the CRAFT MARKET platform, hoping to see the success that she aspires to through this non-profit platform, through help her sell her artwork and increase sales.