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Aisha Sarrar
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Artist Aisha Sarar started practicing the craft of sewing and embroidery when she was sixteen years old. She started the craft as a hobby, then decided to be a source of income for her at that time.

With time, the fiftieth Aisha decided to work on developing her skills in the field of handicrafts, despite the lack of training courses at that time, so she learned by herself how to make wooden and iron baskets and decorate them with wool and silk threads, and she was creative in producing designs and different shapes from these baskets.

Aisha, who resides in the city of Karak, says that she aims, through her work, to spread and preserve the Jordanian heritage, but poor marketing and the lack of sufficient support are considered obstacles to the dissemination of this heritage, so she joined the CRAFT MARKET platform to help her achieve her goals from this project by preserving heritage in addition to increasing the financial returns, where Aisha considers that the idea of ​​this platform is distinctive and unique in this field.