In recent times, feminine innovations have spread, such as cups decorated with shapes resembling the personality of their owner, or dolls, accessories, and antiques designed according to the request of their owner. What distinguishes these innovations is that each of them has a unique value for its owner, as it is not similar to others, and at the same time, it is designed based on an idea, a profession, a personality, or specifically for an occasion.
Among these new ideas and innovations, the transformation of refractory clay (fimo paste) into an aesthetic vocabulary, as was formed by the talented Dania Al-Hazin from the city of Aqaba. At first, Dania saw many works and shapes using Fimo paste on Facebook pages, and she liked these designs and decided to learn this field, but she faced some problems such as the availability of basic materials and tools in the local market, so she worked hard until she was able to provide these materials such as forming tools, molds and the dough itself.
Dania made a variety of pendants, accessories, and mugs using fimo dough in very beautiful and creative colors and designs, as her beginning was a little slow, but with continuous practice, she was able to overcome this problem.
Dania joined the CRAFTS MARKET platform to open doors for sale by publishing her products in the latest ways so that she can help her husband with the daily expenses, as she trusts her success through a platform specialized in the field of handicraft support for artisans.