Many people at the local and global levels considered the Corona crisis a disaster with many negatives, including closures, restrictions and losses, but for Fidaa, an agricultural engineer with an enlightened mind who always strives for innovation and creativity in several fields, including handicrafts, which she loves working with of all kinds for a period of time, it was considered the Corona pandemic. She has a great and positive impact on her life by taking advantage of time, media, and the products of her beautiful garden, and releasing negative energy to learn a craft that she has always loved. She relies on hand and thought to produce a distinctive masterpiece with all its details, far from the machines prevalent in the modern era.
As Fidaa resorted to learning, innovation, and creativity, taking training courses via video conference and attending various workshops, she completed learning, training, and participation after the Corona crisis was resolved, and used high-quality materials from reliable sources, in addition to conducting experiments and personal learning to obtain the results she desired from producing creative craft pieces that represent the industry. Handmade according to her principles, and she worked hard for more than two years and was able to create her own project (Glamour Handmade Crafts) to express her personality, ambition, and creativity.
The redemption of producing anything handmade is the production of extraordinary pieces. Each piece you produce carries within it dozens of moments, minutes, and hours of experiences, hope, frustration, happiness, and moments of pleasure that are priceless when producing the piece in its final form to be made with love.
Fidaa chose the CRAFT MARKET platform to help her develop and expand her business, because it is the safe and highly professional place for every craft owner, to continue her path to success, expansion, creativity and excellence.