Hanadi Zanoun, a young woman in her mid-twenties, began learning sewing and manual work with the help of her mother, until she became distinguished in making Sadu fabric, where Sadu fabric is one of the traditional types of hand-woven embroidery by Bedouin women, and it is an integral part of Bedouin life, as it enters into making many uses such as homes and home furniture such as covers, carpets and pillows.
The process of making sadu is very expensive and takes a lot of time and effort. It goes through five stages, starting with shearing the wool, cutting goat hair, collecting the pile of camels, then sorting it from the stuck thorns and washing it well with water, then spinning the wool and turning it into durable threads, Then dyeing the threads in attractive colors using plants available in the desert such as henna, turmeric and saffron, then the fifth stage, in which the weaving is done according to the required design, so it became limited in Hanadi’s work to using the shape and colors of the heritage Sadu on the fabric, where she made distinctive, modern and attractive designs at the same time suggesting we have the Bedouin spirit inherent in this fabric, as if we were in the middle of the life of the desert.
Hanadi aspires to employ community women and help them support their families, as today she works with two women from their homes and hopes that other women will join her to work with her and support their families, so she decided to join the CRAFTS MARKET platform to help her achieve her dreams, by taking advantage of the marketing services provided by this platform with the latest ways and methods, and taking her hand until she achieves her dreams of opening her own project, which helps her in improving her financial situation.