Parents seek to buy many toys for their young children to help them spend a fun and boredom-free time, in addition to helping them develop their mental, physical and psychological skills and abilities. From this point of view, the artist Hazem Al-Bawab thought of his own project, which is wooden toys for children With different shapes and colors, he decided to employ his field of study in 3D designs with his new craft.
Hazem’s story began during the Corona pandemic, when he lost his job at that time, so he went to think of a new source of income so that he could meet his daily needs and highlight his talent and creative energy, by transforming natural things into usable materials that possess the spirit of art and love, so wood was the basis in his industry, where he designed and made wooden toys for children made with a high degree of craftsmanship and taking into account the general safety conditions, as the paint is a natural hand-made “health paint” that does not affect the child’s health if placed in his mouth.
Hazem joined the CRAFTS MARKET platform, which supports the craftsmanship of young men and women, by providing marketing services such as product photography, taking professional photos, and working on publishing it locally and globally, in addition to product packaging and shipping, which helps in increasing sales volume and project growth in a Faster way and with a non-profit purpose.