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Nadia Haddad
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Despite the spread of heritage works and traditional folklore industries have diminished due to the spread of modern industries, some workers in this field, especially in the straw industry, continue to manufacture them, in an attempt to preserve and devote the traditional patterns of life, praising the atmosphere of modernity around them.

Nadia Haddad, who started working in this field twenty-three years ago, says that she liked this idea, and chose to draw a path for her future, Bearing in mind that success requires determination, She started working with a dish that was praised by those around her, she was encouraged and worked to produce many pieces that are used at home, and she adds that each piece she manufactures adds a character of love and workmanship to it. Nadia was able to professionalize this profession, as she trained many women in it, which helped them to find a source of income so that they could meet their financial needs.

Nadia hopes that she will receive support after knowing the CRAFT MARKET platform and that the platform will publish her work and help her in sales, because of the high professionalism and professionalism of this platform in this field.