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Zainab Khalifa
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Resin is one of the arts of handicrafts, which results in different industries, in many fields, most notably the manufacture of accessories. Among the artists who excelled in making accessories made of resin is the talented Zainab Al-Jazaery, who started working in this craft after illness, fatigue, and grief over the death of her daughter. Here, Zainab decided to quit her job and turn to handicrafts to help herself forget her suffering and sadness. She received training through online courses and began to work in crafts, trying to be responsible for herself and her son.

After that, her work began to be crowned with success, and sales of her products increased through her participation in several bazaars and exhibitions, where Zainab was known among everyone for the perfection and beauty of her products. After her success in producing and selling her products, Zainab decided to go to training the resin craft for women through her participation in giving training workshops, to teach them this craft to be a source of income for them, as she contributed to the training of many women in the region at the time.

Despite the success achieved by Zainab, she suffers from some difficulties in marketing her products, especially as she lives in the southern Jordan region, where she decided to search for a place or an online platform that would help her solve this problem. Where Zainab found the CRAFT MARKET platform, through which specialists in the field of marketing work and help in the process of packaging and shipping the product. Zainab reminds me that she was happy to join this platform, advising all craftsmen to join this platform.