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Mohammad Farees
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The designer of artworks from the Capital Governorate, artist Mohammed Al-Faris, started working in the field of handicrafts by shaping natural wood, and his curiosity led him to learn about the art of epoxy through the Internet, to found himself falling in love with him and became obsessed and crazy with him, and then within a few weeks, he becomes one of his skilled artists, who are good at using epoxy with wood in the implementation and manufacture of many unique pieces of art, as he succeeded in turning that hobby into a craft that is his main source of income. during which he provides for his family needs and many other expenses. Muhammad was able to make a distinguished group of home accessories and resin paintings, in addition to trays and necklaces made of resin, as his works were well received by fans of this type of business, which encouraged him to develop himself and exert his utmost energies to overcome the difficulties he was facing. , so that his name could become well-known in this craft. Muhammad believes that the CRAFTS MARKET platform will provide him with full support by publishing his work electronically, as this platform helps him in the most important point in the field of work and success, which is marketing, so Muhammad looks forward to benefiting from all the marketing services provided by this platform to workers in the field of crafts handmade and for a non-profit purpose.