She wanted to be distinguished, so she looked for something new, and because of her curiosity and interest in how to make clay and how to make different shapes using the clay material, the artist, Lyn Al Mahadin, began searching on the Internet and watching videos of professionals in this field, and she sought to be one of the best creators in the art of making shapes and Models using clay, so she started making masterpiece and shapes, but selling was not her goal, she used to put them in her home as a kind of decoration. But after she noticed many relatives and friends praising her work, she decided to expand the business and began preparing small masterpieces in the form of gifts and distributing them to her friends as a kind of advertising to see the success of her products outside her city. Indeed, her idea succeeded and she started making higher quality products and participated in many bazaars to sell them. She also took advantage of the opportunity of the grant provided by the German Society and got an advanced rank through her work.
Lynn tried to publish her work on social networking sites, but she did not find the progress she aspired to until she got to know the CRAFT MARKET platform, so she felt the importance of joining a platform that supports youth and entrepreneurship, and she is sure that her works will reach every lover of this type of art.