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Ruba Ali
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The art of making macrame is considered one of the international arts in which plant fibers or threads are used. This art is called the Arabic lace or the decorative complexity. Decorators have invested this art in many fields in decorating homes through the use of the knot technique and the aesthetics of implementing macrame art, which is one of the arts and works. Innovative handicrafts that allow women creative capabilities that can employ their imagination in the implementation of this art of handicrafts using ropes, beads, crystal, palm fronds, and plastic.

The beginning of the road to the world of Macramés was by the artist "Ruba Ali" when she was looking for educational and vocational ways to teach her autistic son to help him develop his interactive abilities and stimulate his muscular strength in his body to form certain shapes, after his love for playing with strings caught her attention, she noticed the extent of her ability and accuracy in shaping the pieces And the designs are professional and meticulous with the art of macrame, and from here she started her craft career, and she started from a mother who teaches and motivates her child with this craft to an experienced and creative craftswoman who creates new designs and ideas that combine the art of macrame with modern pieces and designs, which made her produce pieces that we can use in a way Daily and in stunning colors that add a touch of distinction to a buyer.

With the creativity of the artist, "Ruba Ali", she motivates her children to make pieces of macrame and gift them to those around them. Through the Crafts Market platform, Mrs. Ruba hopes to expand to a larger segment of buyers locally and globally, due to her high confidence in the effectiveness of the platform to reach her desired goal.