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Therwah Abdelhaq
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Being an artist with a mission to make the world a greener and cleaner place, Therwah has aspirations to turn her small business into something that creates positive waves of change. By using plastic bottle caps and other reusable plastic material, Therwah has been designing, upcycling, and recreating products from recyclable material to benefit from; instead of dumping them as waste. Therwah believes that by upcycling and reusing such products, she can help decrease plastic waste, which, unfortunately, is gradually destroying ecosystems and eventually, the planet. By spreading more awareness of how positively impactful this craft can be, Therwah is teaching others the methods and techniques of reusing plastic material to create and design useful items. Such items can be used as decorative pieces, storage items, and furniture accessories. Additionally, selling these items has generated a small income for Therwah. But for Therwah, her message and mission are her main focus in making this business a success. Therwah’s family has helped and supported her throughout her initiative. She believes that everyone should contribute in one way or another by becoming environmentally friendly, reducing plastic waste, and making the planet a safer, cleaner, and greener place for the coming generations to live in.       


Therwah is thrilled to be a part of Crafts Market’s platform. She sees it as a great opportunity to connect with new markets, create valuable connections, and highlight the message she has been working hard to deliver. She’s impressed by how keen the platform is in supporting small and local businesses across the Kingdom.